Fashion Index Weekly Update

Spring break just has started. This break sounds so industrious.

Our current goal is to explore Domain Expert. After solving this matter, we will integrate our final data set. The final data sets can be Lev’s collection of Instagram images or collection of our own images via apigee.

We made some changes related to technologies. We will not implement Django and MySQL.  We decided to focus on the bootstrap version of the site and gather content to make it look well-structured.

As Luke and Amanda addressed the copyright and creative common, we will also concern the copyright of other people’s images from Instagram. Tessa suggested that we would better include certain statement such as “All images contained herein are for academic purposes only.”

Currently, Renzo and  Minn developed HTML and CSS files for the website. They already made initial sketches and clarified the concept of art. Using Bootstraps is the foundation of their work. They began creating the site in HTML and generated a basic image gallery, front page, credit page, acknowledgement, and embed Google maps to stimulate the eventual mapping of images, which will be arranged by CartoDB.  Under these circumstance, the Bootstrap plays a critical role to shape our websites and scales with screens on mobile devices or smaller monitors.




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After making the basic version of the site in HTML, they reached a point where they needed to figure out CSS to make the visuals more refined and integrate better fonts. Minn conducted CSS research.

During the break, our workloads are divided based on our basic roles.

  • Project Manager- shaping the final paper, collect reference, some literature reviews, track and compile the other member’s works, reviewing tutorials, posting some images on instagram (hopefully more followers)
  • Development- exploring API (Apigee). Planning to collect 50-100 images with #sprezzatura and geodata  from Instagram.
  • Outreach- After getting the images, Renzo will work on mapping via Cartodb.
  • Designer- Focus on aesthetic designs, enhancing the visual of the site.