Steve continues to power away like some sort of half-man, half-robot, mostly magic developer. As of today, we have successfully incorporated a single-file upload functionality to our Django app. Our next action items include:
- Testing the new upload functionality on the server
- Implementing multi-file upload and testing on local hosts and our server
- Hooking up the necessary analytics engine to our Django configuration
- Adding validation and error checking
With the technical side of the interactivity mapped, we are working on the mockups for the evolution of the front end. We are working through envisioning each step of the process that a user will experience in the TANDEM front end.
We have begun answering:
- What are the users met with as a landing page?
- Are there prompts for users ready to upload their files?
- As the files upload, what kinds of elements will show what is happening in the backend? (Progress bars, spinners, written prompts)
- Once the files are completed, what are the users met with?
- How does a table look with our data fed into it for in-browser?
- What does the download page look like post-processing?
- Where and how are the downloads delivered?
In a short time, we will be able to show in full color and depth each of the above.
Giving life to those mockups will be the capstone for our main body of work pre-presentation.
This week’s outreach centered around a number of events:
- Django NYC MeetUp this Wednesday
- Geoff Sechter continues to be a valuable resource, though his opinion seems to be that JQuery is our best bet for uploading multiple files. He’s been super patient helping explicate the particularities of Python, as well.
- Peter Karp of Buzzfeed also had interesting ideas and recommended attending the OpenCV Office Hours hosted at Buzzfeed by Andrew Kelleher, Adam Kelleher and Katarina Kufieta. Their next meetup is April 21
- Theorizing the Web 2015 at ICP
- While the many fascinating panels on surveillance did not bear directly on TANDEM, several artists spoke and their work involved text image, including Claudia Pederson @cc3pc and Nicholas Knouf @zeitkunst who work on #artforspooks, and Ben Grosser, @bengrosser, who create #scaremail. Another interesting talk treated Victorian carte du visite as early social media.
- Spoke more with Erin Glass about potential publicity for TANDEM
- The Verge NYC after party @Thoughtworks
- On Tessa’s invitation, Jojo attended the closing party for the workshop week for innovative design
- Met John Bruce, Assistant Professor of Strategic Design & Management at the New School, who seemed interested in DH overlap
- Ran into Hannah Lane who does UX at Thoughtworks — a contact point should things get thorny moving forward with TANDEM UI/UX