
What Could Have Been

Some of you noticed that we thought maybe we’d have a conversation today about what we might learn from this whole semester. We didn’t get to that, but if you have thoughts or feedback or ideas or insights, we would love to have them. Comments welcome, or just edit ye olde wiki.

Disagreement welcome!

Prep Your Slides

I created a shared Google Drive folder that you should all have access to. If you don’t have edit access, email me with your gmail handle and I’ll share the directory with you. Before we convene on May 12, your presentation should be in that directory.

We have a DocumentCloud account set up now, so if you’d like me to add you to it, let me know what address to use. I definitely want the Digital HUAC folks to explore the tool, but if anyone else is interested in trying it out, by all means let me know.



Just a reminder to pretty please use your project tags when you post updates here.
