In our roaming around the internet, we discovered Full Stack Python written by Matt Makai of Twilio. Take a look at the TOC below for more specific info. Matt does a thorough job of documenting interesting and helpful resources and breaks down more complicated processes into smaller tasks.
He is also very responsive on twitter @mattmakai.
TIL Dropbox and BitTorrent both employ Python in their workflows.
Table of Contents
Every topic below with a link currently has a page on Full Stack Python. If there isn’t a link I’m working on getting a page for that topic up.
1. Introduction
2. Working with Python
3. Core Language
The Standard Library (stdlib)
4. Web Development
5. Web App Deployment
There is also a subjects map (.pdf) that visualizes deployment concepts.
6. Data
7. Web APIs
8. Testing
Unit testing
Integration testing
Database testing
Browser testing