Category Archives: Event Announcements

Tomorrow: Data Visualization II Workshop!

Hi folks!

Tomorrow’s Digital Praxis Workshop will be Data Visualization II!

I’m kind of freaking out about it.

This one will really take it to the next level, with an under-the-hood look at creating interactive visualizations using d3.

Interactive designer Sarah Groff-Palermo will demonstrate, explain and walk users through exercises in d3, a JavaScript-based interactive programming framework, and its associated technologies and libraries.

Attendees of the workshop are strongly encouraged to bring their own laptop computers and should have, or create, a github account prior to the session. Note: Sarah works on a Mac – but the workshop will also be accessible and beneficial to users of other operating systems (including the room’s library-provided desktop computers).

Looking forward to seeing the Praxis students there (Mina Rees Library, Concourse level, Room C196.02) tomorrow after the class!
