Tag Archives: koalasan

CUNYcast Progress

Exciting to share our report in class last week. The google slide show is posted online here for anyone who missed it.

Now that we know we can create actual working audio our task continues to be sorting out the specifics.

This week CSS for the Airtime widgets was successfully updated and our webpages went live. Also Julia has a lead on some original ambient music that does not require licensing. We’d like to be able to have stuff playing all the time, even if we only have a few casters to start.

Our security certificate is now 100% working and the url to www.cunycast.net links seamlessly. Audio connections still have to be resolved and that will be James’s focus this week.

widget pic

The app required for recording on iphone is KoalaSAN app which is a $6 purchase from the itunes store.

Installation is pretty easy. We downloaded it to our phones and ran tests. Anyone wanting to create a cast with us will need a few coordinates from us, and can write us at [email protected] so that we can provide the necessary info. Then tabs should be configured thus:


Recording device on the phone is pretty sweeeeet (Screenshot):


Right now we have two potential casters (one is a special surprise guest) coming to our tutorial Tuesday night, March 31st at 6:30 in room 4108 at the GC. “Shout it out” if you know anyone else who would like to attend for a 45 minute “Introduction to CUNYcast” on Tues. to learn the basics and find out more.

Our new branding acknowledges the fact that we are focused on students, faculty, and staff at The Graduate Center: We are “CUNYcast for the Graduate Center.” Subsequent projects may focus on “CUNYcast for Hunter,” “CUNYcast for Baruch,” and “CUNYcast for Queens College,” etc.

Thanks for your support and your tweets :-))
