Overall, our team is focusing on updating the webpage and learning new technologies including coding and programming. WordPress doesn’t fit to our project.
- We successfully reclaimed the host. http://nycfashionindex.com/
- Aiming to launch a simple server (Python -simple HTTP Server)
- Currently, our core goal is to generate HTML. Our team is working on the HTML coding and CSS.
- Our team chose to use bootstrap and Bootstrap Jumbotron.
On the learning process of using grid system (need to measure the accurate ratio)
Learned how to link social media icons (Right Click the image and save -> coding in HTML language-> copy and paste the file name on <image>, </image>) eg: <img src=”icons/tumblr.png” alt=”tumblr icon” />
- Setting custom styles for font, background color.
Trying to look our social media including Instagram, twitter more active.
Followed several accounts related to fashion industries and sprezzatura.
Followed people those who are currently attending Parsons, Pratt, and FIT and already graduated from those schools. Fortunately, our follower number increased from 2 to 15 people.
Best examples from the project done in Brooklyn Museum. The project invited uses to add tags below images.
The instagram account is process-based. We are planning to share our progress by a picture-taking method.
- The website will be content-based. Concentrate on documenting image archives.
Looks awesome :-))
Looking forward to your presentation this week!