Preparing for Tuesday’s Class

A few notes in advance of tomorrow’s class.

You should have all made a public post on this blog detailing your skillset. Most (but not all of you) did. If you haven’t please do, asap; if you have, please make sure your post has the tag “skillset.”

Apologies for being unclear about this, but we want your journals to be private and hosted somewhere other than our shared blog. These are spaces for you to reflect for yourself and us, and not for public consumption. Please be sure we know the location of your journal.

We have 9 pitches scheduled, so we are reducing the amount of time you will be allowed. Each project will have NINETY SECONDS at the start of class. Your pitch, beyond describing your project, should include a statement of its potential contribution to the field of digital humanities.

Here are a few readings/projects to help you focus and position your project:

RRCHNM at George Mason hosted two “One Week/One Tool” gatherings, during which two DH projects were imagined, built, and launched. The spirit of this NEH-funded gathering has informed the framing and goals of Praxis II. Read about Anthologize here, and read about Serindip-o-matic here.

Also: see Amanda Hickman’s “FOSS and Proprietary Software,” which argues how open source software projects open up a range of paths for communities of users to contribute and extend their reach.

We’re both very much looking forward to tomorrow’s meeting.

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