Currently, Instagram carries more than a million images of #sprezzatura. We should start learning API and MySQL for data mining. To solve the technology parts, we visited Digital fellows at the media lab. My SQL fundamentally interact with data and establish the connection between the server. One of the digital fellows Even said we need to set up the local copy of My SQL. He also suggested to learn API Python. I will look over Python Library as well.
The developer, Tessa approached Shelley Bernstein at the Brooklyn Museum, but we could not access her. Anyway, her tagging project was very useful.
Limitation: Instagram API does not offer geospatial information. In this stage, we should find third party applications for the mapping.
For coding, we need text wrangler which functions as text editor, program scripts, and code translator. The outreach, Renzo is using Filezilla for coding. Also, Renzo and Minn (Designer) started working on mapping. They installed the program called R and GGmap. Those two programs interact with google map and import images from google map. Also they provide information of longitude and latitude based on the google map.